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This is where I plan to write about things that I think are important. And sometimes about random BS, but mostly things that are important. I believe that humanity is doomed if we don't get our shit together and that the only way to get our shit together is by changing society and that the only way to change society is to get everyone to agree on a better philosophy than the current one.

  • Ideas - Thoughts that I have had and may or may not have expounded on.
  • Books - I 💚 books.
  • Hodgepodge - An untidy mixture of different types of things
  • Meditation - Stuff about meditation.

* A note about opinions.

Bloggity Thing

Very present recently

That's all, just a note that the last few days (which were vacation until today) have involved a lot of headlessness.

2024-01-04 02:43 · awfki · 33 Comments

62 books this year

Mucking around on LibraryThing and noticed one of those 75 book challenges and was curious how many books I've read this year. It's a PITA to find out because they don't have a search on date fields but a general search, then export, then sort and…

I've read 62 books! Hmmm, maybe that shouldn't have been in the title. 🤷‍♀️

There's another two that will get finished shortly and 10 that got abandoned.

2023-10-31 00:31 · awfki · 2 Comments

The universe moved a pillow today

Follow up to this morning, which was not actually this morning, it was several mornings ago but “this morning” is what I named the blog post because I am not good at naming things.

So anyway, in “this morning” there was the universe drying it's face. That was an example of things happening without my direction. My body knows how to do a lot of stuff without input from me. I intend for a thing to happen and the body makes it so. Today I was changing the sheets. My brain was being pretty chatty and occasionally I would think “sheets” to remind it that in the here/now there were sheets being changed. The brain was calming down as things progressed and then I started to move to the other side of the bed when my body stopped to grab the pillow that was still on the floor and put it on the bed. I didn't tell my body to do that, I just watched while it did it.

After the sheets I meditated for a fair while. My first formal, seated meditation in quite some time. I looked for me but I didn't have any luck finding me. I drifted off twice and at times it was pretty noisy. A nice search though.

2023-10-22 18:56 · awfki · 0 Comments

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