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Muggles are people who don't see the magic.

As you go through each day, try to see the magic around you.

  • We live on a tiny rock floating through space.
  • The only reason we can live on this rock is because it happens to be circling a giant ball of fusion. Except it turns out the fusion ball is relatively small, it's only giant when compared to our rock. The energy from the fusion ball makes life on our rock possible.
  • Trees come from small seeds and turn into towering giants. Each year many of them create leaves from nothing and then throw them all away in the fall.
  • You came into being when two microscopic elements met and you were a parasite for the first 10+ years of your life, but hopefully you outgrew that.

That's only the barest examples of the magic all around us and yet people are constantly inventing bogus magic, like gods and chakras and other bullshit.

Don't be a muggle, see the real magic and you won't need the bullshit.