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This is an old revision of the document!


This is where I plan to write about things that I think are important. And sometimes about random BS, but mostly things that are important. I believe that humanity is doomed if we don't get our shit together and that the only way to get our shit together is by changing society and that the only way to change society is to get everyone to agree on a better philosophy than the current one.

    • Thoughts that I have had and that I think are worth exploring. Thoughts can be long and take side trips.
    • Ideas that I think other people need. Should be as short as possible but no shorter. Should be to the point. Tell them, tell them, tell them.
    • How to meditate, why to meditate, etc.
    • I 💚 books, but I think this is not where I'll write about them.
    • An untidy mixture of different types of things. I think this will move too.

* A note about opinions.