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Nihilism is Right

Nihilism is right when it says things like:

…human values are baseless, that life is meaningless, that knowledge is impossible, or that some set of entities does not exist or is meaningless or pointless. Wikipedia

– or –

…all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The universe does not know or care that you exist and pretending otherwise is wooshit. But, it matters to this one, and that's why we don't stop at nihilism, because if we care then the universe cares.

The “universe” is not a monolith. It's a collection of atoms, or quarks or whatever shit physicists have made up recently, that exploded a long time ago and are now in motion. It is not a person and therefore it does not know or care about things, it just is. We often pretend otherwise because living in a universe like that it scary. Being a scared little monkey is no fun so we try to feel less scared by pretending the universe loves us. That just makes us more unhappy and what we should do, is just accept.

FIXME - Link acceptance, and do a bunch of other stuff.