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FIXME - make this into a real article.

Magic is the miracles that surround us. The things most of us don't understand but even the folks who do understand, probably don't have all the answers.

Examples of magic are everywhere.

  • A burning ball of space gas is responsible for all life on Earth
  • Earth is a rock, floating in space, and we live on it.
  • You can grow a 200 foot tall tree from an acorn.
  • You exist, and you started as a sperm and an egg.

There is soooo much magic everywhere. Even if you know how these things work they're still magic, but because we can attach some labels to them and we can “explain” them we forget that they're magic.

But most people are muggles, and because they don't see the magic, and because we need an explanation for everything, they invent fake magic, like chakras and gods and political parties.